Why our Hypnotherapy tracks are worth your investment
what you can expect when you buy one of our Hypnotherapy tracks
These days getting what you want in life needs effort to overcome self-sabotage patterns, believing you desrve what you want as well as all the effort, knowledge, commitment and,motivation to actually achieve the result you want.
That can be a real challenge if you don't have the drive, have a problem maintaining your determination or are dealing with a pattern of self-sabotage (and who isn't these days?).
That's why our hypnotherapy sessions are so valuable - they can help you get what you want while saving you a lot of time and money visiting a hypnotherapist, consultant or counsellor.
Our Hypnotherapy sessions:
Will Hypnotherapy work for you?
Can you see the image on the left?
(it needs a flash player to play in your browser - if you don't see a spinning spiral all it means is your browser isn't able to play flash - NOT that hypnotherapy wont work for you!)
If you can just have a look at it - not for too long - if you notice any sense of being drawn in, fascinated, more relaxed, less stressed - any change at all it is one indication that hypnotherapy is a useful vehicle for you to use.
What will Hypnotherapy do for you?
what could it do for you?
Here is something you may have seen - a seemingly impossible achievement - made seemingly effortless.
That is almost exactly what the guru's of growth have been saying for millenia - stop trying and just let it manifest!
But for most, this is not happening and one of the most common obstacles is the mind: subconsciously-held beliefs - things we aren't even aware of - can prevent us believing we are capable, deserving, able or even want to achieve what our conscious mind is convinced we want.
The result - endless frustration and strengthening conviction that what we want isn't for us - and many start to look elsewhere to place the blame building up a victim mentality and a sense of hopelessness.
Now - if a hypnotist can - in front of thousands of strangers - get this to happen - in just one session; can you imagine what is possible for you to achieve with as many sessions as you want, in the comfort of your own home?
Only one way to find out? its just a download away.
Hypnotherapy benefits your whole being
when your whole being feels better
Body - Hypnosis relieves stress and tension from your body creating instant calm and relaxation. Studies show 80 percent of all illness is stress related. Letting go of tension in your body will help every bodily function, including your immune system and sleep patterns work much better.
Emotions - Hypnosis stabilises your emotions by relaxing you deeply which increases serotonin levels that make you feel happy. Hypnosis balances your thoughts which helps you to see situations clearly. Relaxing deeply on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do for your emotional state.
Mind - Being in a Hypnotized state has extraordinary positive mental benefits which help you have clarity of mind, overcome mental fog and expand your awareness and thinking.
Spirit - You know you are doing something positive and proactive about your situation and for your life which confirms that you are indeed special, worthy, deserving and competent.
so simple to use - just lie down and press play
Easy to use: all you need is an MP3 player - with or without earplugs or headphones
You may find it challenging to take 20 minutes or so to care for yourself.
If so then consider how little improvement in your income it would take to justify spending 20 minutes - after all: the increase will last you for the rest of you life.
Compare that to what you earn in 20 minutes.
Its not rocket science.
a little expense now - saves you a lot of money later
Last but not least for most of us - the money factor.
One Hypnotherapy session download costs AUD$2000 whereas a session with a compotent hypnotherapist can cost you anywhere up to $250 (and probably a good way beyond that).
The download is a one-off cost that will give you as many seesions as you want for the rest of your life whereas a hypnotherapist will charge you for each and every sessions you have with her or him.
Its not difficult to see the gargantuan cost advantage of our hypnotherapy sessions - they simple become a better bargain every time you use them!
Hypnotherapy Sessions available:
Manifest Abundance hypnotherapy track
Professional Hypnotherapist studio recorded session for general use to build a life of Abundance, Success and Prosperity by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind.
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13.9MB MP3 file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Manifest Vitality hypnotherapy track
Professional Hypnotherapist studio recorded session for general use to bring Vital Energy and Enthusiasm into your Life by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind.
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14.22MB MP3 file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Manifest Wealth hypnotherapy track
Professional Hypnotherapist studio recorded session for general use to Attract more money and wealth to you by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind.
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14.05MB MP3 file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Quit Smoking hypnotherapy track
Professional Hypnotherapist studio recorded session for general use to Quit Smoking by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind.
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14.68MB MP3 file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Weight Loss hypnotherapy track
Professional Hypnotherapist studio recorded session for general use to Lose Weight Be Slim by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind.
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13.11MB MP3 file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
middlepath.com.au> Middle Path> Natural Health Education> About our Hypnotherapy Sessions