Inspiring Conversation Dimensions of Consciousness
An interview with Fergus talking about the available dimensions of Consciousness, what they offer and what they require to access them - another Everyday Journey inspiring conversation with Chris and Louise of Conscious Waves.
Inspiring Conversation Herbs for Health and Happiness
An interview with the incredible Earth Angel herself, Trijntje - an Everyday Journey inspiring conversation with Chris and Louise of Conscious Waves.
Healing Herbs Maintaining Health Naturally
A presentation Trijntje gave at Balgownie, NSW: Maintaining Health the way Nature Intended: using plant-based edible medicine, nutrition and meditation as a means to keep yourself vital, vibrant & at peace.
Healing Herbs Blues Buster Tea and Tincture
a natural remedy for Depression Worry Stress, specifically formulated to help you banish the blues and brighten up your life |
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Health in the Home Making a Tincture - home made medicine How to make a medicine from plants in your garden. |
Health in the Home How to apply a herbal tincture externally concerned about the consequences of taking your tincture internally - here is how you can use it externally to alleviate your concerns.. |
visit our tinctures webpage |
home made medicine a Spring Planting at Middle Path It's impossible to ignore the onset of colour, scent and visual delight each year and we always seem to add more plants to the gardens - here is a glimpse of some herbs we planted in 2012. |
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home made medicine 3 weeks after a Spring Planting at Middle Path A look at what happened in just 3 weeks to the plants we put in during our 2012 Spring Planting. |
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Healing Herbs Chickweed - nature's natural fat-buster, skin detox and cancer fighter
This lovely low-growing, trailing weed is delicious, the whole herb is used in salads, soups or stir frys and as a herbal tea. Chickweed is very high in Protein, minerals and Vitamin C and is excellent for helping to dissolve fats in the body. Chickweed is excellent for weight reduction, particularly in discouraging fat retention. If you haven't access to fresh Chickweed - which nobody has during the summer anyway, our tea or tincture is the best way to enlist the help of this potent herb. The tincture is simple to use and so convenient when you are travelling. |
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Healing Herbs Herb Robert - cancer killer in the garden
This delightful herb has many names: Herb Robertianum, St. Robert, Storkbill, Cranesbill, Red Robin, Fox geranium, St. Robert's Wort, Bloodwort, Felonwort, Dragon's blood. It is an irrepressible, joyous addition to any garden and will add beauty, health, healing wherever it grows. |
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Healing Herbs Lemon - a marvellous gift from nature
The lemon has so many health benefits, it offers easy to prepare remedies for a host of ailments such as colds, chills, headaches, coughs, flus, Influenza to mention just a few of the better-known recipes. It is probably the only fruit which you will find in bars around the world - and there is a reason - its health-restoring and preserving qualities have been known for millenia. |
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Healing Herbs Nasturtium a natural, potent antibiotic from nature
We have found Nasturtium to be a potent broad-spectrum antibiotic and healer which far surpasses any medical antibiotic in speed and effectiveness. A significant ingredient in many culinary dishes, Nasturtium is known to stimulate the appetite, promote digestion and metabolism.
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Healing Herbs Plantain another of Nature's miracle plants
It would be a far shorter list if we named conditiond Plantain won't benefit - some of the more common ones it does deal with include Menopause, lung problems like Pluerisy and Pneumonia, bedwetting, skin, bladder and kidney conditions, snakebite, bleeding, frigidity, Asthma, ulcers, wounds, insect bites - to name just a very few.
visit the Narrowleaf webpage
visit the Broadleaf webpage |
Healing Herbs Wild Raspberry - A great help with childbirth and with cancer too!
This “weed” grows profusely at Middle Path and we have heard tales of it “taking over” underutilised pasture very rapidly. The plant is listed as a “threat to Pacific island ecosystems”. We enjoy early mornings gathering their wild fruit for breakfast. What a delight to enjoy these natural abundant nutritional gifts from Nature. |
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Healing Herbs Yellow Dock - a broad spectrum healer for all ills
If we could only take a few herbs with us - this would be one of them! Dock has powerful medicinal properties and acts as a natural iron in the human system. It is a wonderful blood purifier and body cleanser - known to have helped heal scrofula, leprosy and tumors. |
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Interview Trijntje being interviewed with Denise Catling by Michael Adamedes for the Inner Peace Mastery series. The discussion focusses on the role Naturopathy and Herbalism can play on the journey to mastering inner peace. Video courtesy Michael Adamedes.
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